You can travel to and from Suisse Normande-Cingal via the N°117 Nomad Car du Calvados bus service linking Caen and Flers.
Nomad Car fares and sales points:
Nomad Car offer a vast range of passes and packages. To find out which package suits you best, consult the Nomad Car website at
You can purchase tickets or passes in one of the sales points that comprise the Calvados network (tobacconists, groceries, haberdasheries, etc.). You can also purchase single tickets direct from the driver when you board the bus.
Or call the information desk:
0810 214 214 is an 'Azur' number (cost of a local landline call or a normal mobile call) offering passengers information on timetables for Nomad Car 14. It is also a mobility centre which records bookings for the Calvados Taxibus service.
The 'Azur' number is open from 7 am to 8 pm from Monday to Saturday.