
Initiation à la permaculture

Nature and relaxation ,  Agriculture in Le Hom
  • 9-10:30am: Visit the PAHA eco-environment! Let's talk design and renaturation
    10h45-12h: Let's take a tour of permaculture principles! And discover concrete applications
    12pm-1pm: Let's have lunch together! Bring your own picnic, and please play the game: zero waste, vegetarian, organic food!
    1pm-4pm: Let's take a closer look at your projects and expectations! And let's go deeper into a subject that interests you [examples on the https://ecolieupaha.blogspot.com/p/permaculture.html...
    9-10:30am: Visit the PAHA eco-environment! Let's talk design and renaturation
    10h45-12h: Let's take a tour of permaculture principles! And discover concrete applications
    12pm-1pm: Let's have lunch together! Bring your own picnic, and please play the game: zero waste, vegetarian, organic food!
    1pm-4pm: Let's take a closer look at your projects and expectations! And let's go deeper into a subject that interests you [examples on the https://ecolieupaha.blogspot.com/p/permaculture.html page]
    16h-16h30 : Don't leave without resources! Get inspired and go further...
    4.30-5pm: A final round of questions and comments!

    If you have any special requests, please let me know in advance.
    Registration required - 80€/person